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Being in Bath

Where We Work

Bath 4

Working From Home

We work in Bath because we live in Bath and we love it – one of us is even a native! We work from home – and for many years that meant a home office and a computer but the work we were doing supported businesses all over the world. This was great, but it wasn’t exactly local and, to be honest, it could get a bit kind of lonely some days. So recently we’ve been wanting to re-think our ‘working from home’.


Working For Home

Bath is our home and we decided that we wanted, not just to work from here, but for here as well. We want to focus on building relationships, learning about the people around us and supporting local businesses, charities and organisations. We still have lovely clients far away, but having clients close by means we can connect with them and what they need on a bit more of a human level. People build businesses and charities – computers just help. And people like to meet for coffee. Or tea. Or sometimes, even cake.


Time to Talk?

We’d love to hear from you and if you have time to talk, we’ll be there to listen.
Whether you have a specific project, some ideas you’d like to chat about or just want to know why the website doesn’t look like everybody else’s – get in touch and we can get started with a chat.
